Just click on the pictures to go directly to the website, and you can have my drawing printed on your baby clothes right away. I've drawn a baby waving a flag, playing with a toy donkey and elephant. Below the baby, I've printed Obama's words: "There is no liberal America. There is no conservative America. There is only the United States of America."
I created this design a little while before the election ended. I listened to Obama's Ohio speech as I was driving to church, and when he said those words, I started crying. Yes, I am extremely sappy, but I really think he is an inspiring person. I definitely count last night's win as a victory, and I want to celebrate. It feels so good to have a democrat with so much integrity in the white house - well, almost in the white house. He's moving the kids and their new puppy in soon.
I know that not everyone counts this as a victory, but I'm hoping that the unifying spirit of Obama's words will inspire us to reach across party lines and work together - especially since a cute little kid will be the one delivering the message!
Check back in my Political section soon. I'm drawing another version of this design with a little boy and girl, so older kids can wear it, too. I'm also working on a drawing of a baby crawling on the red and white path in Obama's logo (with the message, "My Future is Looking Brighter") I'll get it up on the site as fast as I can!
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