Yay! I'm famous! I feel particularly flattered to have been highlighted in this blog by Sleezak, because he takes the time to stay so well-informed on current events (something I have a moral responsibility to do, but do not do)and in this particular post, he gave us all a chance to laugh at Sarah Palin.
With all the bad stuff hanging over us right now, it's refreshing to be able to stop trying to be nicey-nice for a moment, and just laugh at someone who frankly deserves it. If my husband reads those words, he'll be in shock. He won't believe his goody-goody former-teacher wife is advocating being snide and nasty. I'll just have to wait and see if he finds out that I wavered. :P
Here's the design that was featured in the blog. Click on the picture to see it in a range of skin tones. It's available on T-shirts, onesies, and bibs.
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