If you're looking for Earth Day baby clothes - or even green kids' clothes - please check out these designs. You can click on any of the product pictures to go straight to my store, Little Characters, and buy now. Below that, I've posted larger pictures of the three different drawings.
I'm happy to offer a Little Tree Hugger reusable grocery bag for all you eco-mommies!
You can also find your choice of three Earth Day messages on the tote bags and baby clothes: Make Every Day Earth Day, Baby's 1st Earth Day, and My First Earth Day.
Here's a Little Tree Hugger Organic Cotton Baby T-Shirt.
Here's an example of a Baby's 1st Earth Day baby bib. There are many skin tones and hair and eye colors available.
Here's an example of a My First Earth Day onesie.
And here's a Make Every Day Earth Day toddler T-shirt.
Here are the larger size images, so you can see the evolution of this drawing! This is the first drawing I did . . .
Here was my next attempt. It looks less boxy, but a lot of the detail (especially in the leaves) is gone . . .
And here is the latest (hopefully, last!) version. It's leafier, but I still don't feel happy with the proportion of the child to the tree. I like having the overall picture be smaller in relation to the words, but all in all, a lot of the detail is hard to see.
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