I'm extremely proud of my Holi designs! I think they are a great expression of my personal values and my artistic style.
It is very important to me to celebrate religious diversity, and unfortunately, Hinduism and other polytheistic faiths are often misunderstood, trivialized, or ignored. There are so many holidays in the Hindu tradition, so I had a hard time choosing which to feature in my designs. But Holi seems like such a fun festival! I've never participated in it myself, but I can imagine how much I would love to become a running paint canvass! And I think this holiday in particular is one that really gives children a chance to go a bit wild and just be kids. I'm definitely in favor of that!
I really like the way my drawings turned out, too. I didn't compromise to make them more marketable. I love the way the baby's shirt is hugging a lovely chubby belly. I like the curls arcing over the head and the way the paint spray looks like a firework. I just enjoyed being able to use vibrant color, too: especially the pink/orange combination that is a lot more common in India than in America. It was a joy to draw this design. I hope it adds to the joy of some Hindu family's celebration.
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