I'm really excited about the designs I just added for Rosh Hashana! Click here to see them.
The timing for this has worked so well, because I just opened up the shop recently and Rosh Hashana starts September 29th. I'm not Jewish, but I always hated it when people only referred to Jewish holidays as a sort of token afterthought linked to a Christian holiday. When I was a teacher, it really troubled me that the children learned about a minor holiday like Hannukah just because it happened near Christmas, but never heard anything about the High Holy Days. I didn't have much influence over the situation when I was teaching in public schools, but with my own store, I have the freedom to try to act on my principles.
So, for any parents out there who want a sweet way for their babies or toddlers to wish people L'Shanah Tovah, here's your chance!
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